Room Categories


Comfortable Rooms


Breakfast Buffet

Hot water

24 hrs front desk


Covered car parking

Security Cameras

Free Wifi

Fire alarm system

Nearby Tourist Attractions

Ayubia National Park (7 KM)

Just a short drive from our hotel, Ayubia National Park is a breathtaking destination where you can explore the beautiful natural surroundings, spot wildlife, and take in stunning views of the valley. Approximate Time is (25 min)

Dunga Gali (9.1 KM)

Take a hike to Dunga Gali, a serene hill station surrounded by lush greenery, beautiful gardens, and hiking trails. Approximate Time is (31 min)

Donga Gali Pine Line Track (9.1 KM)

Experience the ultimate thrill of walking on the dizzying heights of the pine forest on this 4-km-long trail. Approximate Time is (31 min)

Track to Miranjani (11 KM)

Take a hike to Miranjani, the highest peak in Nathia Gali region, for a breathtaking view of the Himalayas. Approximate Time is (29 min)

Nathia Gali Bazaar (5 KM)

Explore the vibrant Nathia Gali bazaar, a hub of local crafts and traditional goods. Approximate Time is (16 min)

Ayubia National Park

Ayubia National Park

7 km
Dunga Gali

Dunga Gali

9 km
Donga Gali Pine Line Track

Donga Gali Pine Line Track

9.1 km


53 km
Track to Miranjani

Track to Miranjani

11 km


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